My Little Girl

My Little Girl

Friday, September 30, 2011

A Little About Myself

     I am currently employeed at Heartland Regional Medical Center as a Clinical Informatics Analyst.  I am still fairly new to the field of Information Technology.  I graduated from MWSU in 2000 with a degree in nursing at spend almost 7 years working as an RN at Children's Mercy Hospital.  I earned my Master's degree from UMKC in Healthcare Administration while employeed at Children's.  After completing my Master's degree I left Children's at took a job at Cerner working as a Solution Specialist helping to design nursing documentation for the EMR.  I moved back to St. Joseph a couple of years ago and accepted a position at HRMC on the informatics team.  It has been a very rewarding career thus far and I look forward to implemeting several new Cerner programs within the next few months.
     In my personal life, I just celebrated my 5th anniversary with my wife and have a beatiful baby girl who will turn 6 months old in the next few days.  I live in Savannah Missouri and spend my free time enjoying time with my daughter and playing golf if time allows.

Chad R.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Congrats on your school and work achievements! You are very accomplished! Good to see ya in the class! By the way, I can't believe how big "little britches" is getting! One very beautiful little girl!
