My Little Girl

My Little Girl

Friday, September 30, 2011

A Little About Myself

     I am currently employeed at Heartland Regional Medical Center as a Clinical Informatics Analyst.  I am still fairly new to the field of Information Technology.  I graduated from MWSU in 2000 with a degree in nursing at spend almost 7 years working as an RN at Children's Mercy Hospital.  I earned my Master's degree from UMKC in Healthcare Administration while employeed at Children's.  After completing my Master's degree I left Children's at took a job at Cerner working as a Solution Specialist helping to design nursing documentation for the EMR.  I moved back to St. Joseph a couple of years ago and accepted a position at HRMC on the informatics team.  It has been a very rewarding career thus far and I look forward to implemeting several new Cerner programs within the next few months.
     In my personal life, I just celebrated my 5th anniversary with my wife and have a beatiful baby girl who will turn 6 months old in the next few days.  I live in Savannah Missouri and spend my free time enjoying time with my daughter and playing golf if time allows.

Chad R.

Blogs vs. Wiki

     A blog is a personal web site, open to the public, in which the site creator expresses his feeling or opinions.  I wiki is a web site on which anyone can post material and make changes to other material.  Blogs sites are created and maintained by the aurthor (blogger) who ones that particular blog site.  Wiki's are created and maintained by a company or organization but allow users of thier wiki page to post material, thoughts, or feelings on topics posted on the wiki site.  Both blog pages and wiki sites are transforming the way organizations perform day to day operations and expand their services to their clients.  In the following paragraphs I will explain how one particular wiki page is transforming healthcare in America.
     I am currently employed at a regional healthcare facility that uses Cerner's EMR (electronic medical record) to perform daily operations throughout the hosptial.  Cerner has created a state of the art wiki page (Ucern) which is used by Cerner to post recent update's, conference dates, company informations, etc so that Cerner users can stay up to date with thier technological advances.  Another major advantage of the Ucern Wiki is that is allows Cerner user's from around the world to post questions or concerns with the software and other clients can view their post and post comments or answers to their questions.  Ucern is used daily by the analyst at my organization to gain knowledge from other users.  A prime example occured this week.  We are in the process of implementing a new software solution which will affect the way our nurses and physicians document patient medications.  We had several questions regarding functionality and proper implementation strategies from healthcare organizations that had already implemented the software and were successfully using it within their hospital's.  Through Ucern, I was able to colloborate with thousands of current users by posting my questions on the Ucern Wiki page.  I posted several questions regarding their implementation of the software and within the end of business day I had several hundred responses from both Cerner employee's and healthcare providers throughout the country. 
     The Ucern Wiki also provides the ability to combine multiple services through various lines of telecommunications.  The Ucern site allows users to join teleconferences on multiple topics so that they can view presentations and communicate with users from mutiple locations on one call.  Cerner also uses the site to post past presentations so that users can view past presentations that they may have missed.  The entire staff of Cerner and their user profile's and specialty is also available on the site which allows users to network with staff members and build a specialty base to insure effective use of the software.
     Cerner wiki site has been instrumental in growing their client base and insuring that current users are pleased with their product.  Customer support is available throughout the site which allows real time help from service specialist if the user is having trouble using the wiki.  I have been extremely pleased with the functionality of the site and foresee continued daily use in order to perform my profession to the best of my ability.

Chad Robertson